Friday, August 28, 2015

My Park Bag

I don't know how to travel light as you can see in my running packing list. So I always have a bag with me in the parks inside of it:
  • Wallet (park tickets, id, money) 
  • Cell Phone 
  • Backup Battery Charger I like ones made by Anker  ( 
  • A light sweater -  restaurants sometimes blast AC making it a little cold for me
  • A small notebook and pen 
  • Autograph book and sharpie
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Lip balm
  • Medals from the weekend
  • Snacks 
  • Bottle of water from a cart in the park
Sometimes I carry:
  • Digital SLR w/ 18-135 lens
  • Extra battery for camera 
  • 28mm lens 
  • Poncho
  • Other race weekend medals
  • Sunglasses
  • Fun Hat

Is there anything you think I'm missing? 
<3 Ann

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

What I pack for a RunDisney weekend!

Disneyland Half Weekend is just two weeks away and I'm in full packing mode.
I have a spreadsheet I started for my first RunDisney weekend a year ago and I make a few alterations each trip  The first thing I do is get my costumes together. I have these large ziploc bags I get from Target they're called Jumbo and they're great. When I start the bags I write what race it's for, the costume, what shoe I plan to wear, and anything missing.

All of my running gear is put into a carryon. I'm not about to trust the luggage guys with important items for a weekend.

For Disneyland I'm running all 3 races so I have 3 costumes.
Bag 1: Oswald for the 5k.
Blue Royale Sparkle Skirt, black short sleeve shirt, black bra and socks, race bib holder.

Bag 2: Darth Vader for the 10k
Vader shirt, black capris, grey socks, black/grey bra, black visor, lightsaber, running belt,

Bag 3: Goofy for the 1/2
Goofy Costume (Ordered from iGlowRunning), Black Sparkle Shorts, green visor with ears, white socks, yellow bra, (No Running belt as I'll use the same one I'm using for the 10k)

I also bring:
2 pairs of running shoes
Headphones + charger
Garmin 620 + charger
Clif Gels and Salt Stick
Signed Waivers
Safety Pins
Foam Roller - I travel with the Tiger Tail
BioFreeze and Advil
Hair Ties to pull my hair up.
Bobby Pins To keep my Oswald ears on my head
Bandaids in case of blisters or whatnot
Compression Sleeves for recovery in the parks
Large trash bags to sit on in my corral as they put you in them early.
Throwaway ponchos in case of rain (I learnt that from W&D)
A backup outfit in case of rain or just not feeling my costume
Water Bottle
Small cellphone charger like this one from Amazon 

It might sound like a lot, but I'm always a be prepared type of person so I'm ready for anything. I'd love to hear if there's anything you bring that's not on my list.
<3 Ann

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Breeze 1/2

My August race was on the 1st. I was running it for Dopey time and maybe a chance to improve my Wine & Dine time. The morning started out perfect it was overcast and 65. I had been having fuel problems for the last few weeks and my stomach was still having issues, but I thought I still could make my 2:44 goal.
I wore my new Training for Rebel challenge shirt with my R2D2 Sweaty Band. I got lots of great compliments on it and it was really comfortable to wear. I even carried my new Nathan SpeedDraw insulated water bottle (I have been using a non-insulated one for awhile now)
The first few miles were great. I know I went out too fast. I always do, but I caught myself pretty early and fell into my 45/30 intervals. I was doing great until about the 6 mile mark. It had really warmed up and I kept looking for the turn around. Thinking I'd see it any minute not in the actual half mile from where I was (I have trouble with math when running) I should have just kept going knowing I wouldn't get lost. Then the heat + my fueling issues really hit me. I had to walk a little bit after the turnaround and then settled into 30/30 intervals. My virtual pacer told me I was about 5 minutes behind my goal. I knew I could make that up and I was going a lot slower then I was the first half. So I reassessed my goal to 2:59. I wanted it to be under 3. I kept going the best I could. I stopped looking at my watch and just kept up with my intervals. I crossed the finish line at 2:53:51 9 minutes behind my first goal and 7 minutes ahead of my reevaluation goal. I didn't realize it at the time, but I set a new PR!!! Beating my old PR by 15 minutes. I was happy I had a time to submit for Dopey that I was happy with. I have another half before the cutoff, but it's also hit or miss on the heat. Now it's just some training runs and getting ready for Dumbo Double Dare and the 5k.
<3 Ann